Reverse Advent Foodbank Collection.
At Lennoxtown Nursery we are always looking for ways to become involved with our local community and also help the children develop understanding and respect for others. In December the staff and children decided they would like to do something to support the local community and decided on a reverse advert calendar. As you know most children are used to opening a door on an advent calendar and receiving a treat, in a reverse advent instead of the children receiving a treat the parents were asked to donate items that could be given to those in need via our local foodbank. We were overwhelmed by the response and on Friday 20th December a group of staff and children delivered 18 bags of food and toiletries to the foodbank to be distributed to local families before Christmas. The foodbank sent us a certificate to confirm that over 102kg of items were donated.
We would like to thank all parents, children and staff who donated items and helped to make Christmas special for some local families and also for allowing the children to learn about supporting and helping others.
Well done everyone.